Not working

To the editor:

Is everyone enjoying the “change” and “new direction” Barack Obama promised three years ago? Not so much. Other than the extreme committed left, who would never vote Republican under any circumstances, and an overwhelming majority of African-Americans and other minorities, most people now see Obama as a failure to some degree. His approval rating is standing somewhere around 40 percent, depending on which poll you go by.

His radical ideology of fundamental change is not working. Far-left zealots see him as a centrist — too funny! This is no laughing matter though, as America is in deep trouble now two and a half years later. The “under the radar” conduct of this administration is worthy of taking a look at too, such as the EPA hamstringing the coal industry with a myriad of new regulations. It seems this administration would like to rule and regulate everything people and business do. Obama and those in his political circle feel to their core that government is the final solution for everything, not the people. Again, how is that working out?