Heard on the Hill: New Zaarly website comes to KU; historical images from KU Libraries available online; international architect to speak in Lawrence Sept. 8

Your daily dose of news, notes and links from around Kansas University.

• I heard a bit about Zaarly’s presence on the KU campus the other day. Zaarly is a new social website that a marketing person explained to me as something like a “reverse Craigslist — only less creepy.”

It’s also location-based and in real-time. People post what they’re looking for, when they need it and what they’re willing to pay to get it.

Here’s a video that shows a bit about the process for Zaarly U, a campus version that’s found its way to KU.

Already people at KU were looking for a wide variety of items — a used calculus book, help moving furniture and even a fee to “Ice” someone who just moved into a fraternity.

Here’s a good guide to “Icing” for the uninitiated, by the way, which I happen to agree sounds a little like the “Dumbest Game Ever.”

“I’ve heard of several KU alums who are working (or have worked) for the site in Kansas City, including Adam Hofmann, its director of marketing.

I’d be curious to know if anyone’s using this site, and if they find it useful?

• Many images from KU Libraries’ Pennell Collection are now available to view online.

They are taken from throughout the life of Joseph J. Pennell, a studio photographer who worked in Junction City from the early 1890s until the 1920s.

They’re interesting to peruse. I admit a particular interest because I used to work at the newspaper in Junction City (I still have a “The Daily Union” polo shirt I wear around every now and again).

But it’s hard to talk about Junction City without mentioning Fort Riley, and there’s a lot of great old photos from the Army post in the collection, too.

• Here are some other interesting photos featuring the designs of architect Lars Spuybroek.

The architecture professor at Georgia Tech will be speaking in Lawrence next week. He’s scheduled to speak at 7 p.m. next Thursday at the Lawrence Arts Center, 940 N.H.

His work focuses on the relationship between art, architecture and computing, and he often uses digital tools to design his buildings, combined with an effort to “find our way back to beauty.”

• Apparently no one told Lars Spuybroek all you need to do to find your way back to beauty is read Heard on the Hill every day. It’s only beautiful because of your tips, though, so keep sending them to ahyland@ljworld.com.