Jobs, spending

To the editor:

According to CNN Money, economists estimate that the country needs to create at least 125,000 jobs per month just to keep up with the nation’s expanding job force. That translates into 11 million jobs just to get back to the 5 percent unemployment rate from before the recession, which began in 2007. 

According to what I read, those 11 million jobs are lost and will likely not return — for they went abroad. Are Americans generally lazy and unwilling to work? I say no. Approximately 11 million Americans are looking for full-time employment.

Where are 11 million new jobs? Home loan scams and free trade agreements put Americans out of work. Outsourcing U.S. jobs provides cheaper goods for Americans to buy. Is that so? Where is the hard evidence? I say putting Americans out of work adds a great deal to the cost of U.S. goods produced outside the U.S.

Putting Americans out of work by the millions prevents economic growth, which in turn prevents new employment opportunities, which in turn prevents creating new wealth for the nation as a whole. This long-term expense to the nation is unacceptable.

When Americans suddenly become unemployed they require unemployment assistance.

When Americans suddenly become unemployed they lose medical insurance.

When Americans suddenly become unemployed retirement plans often times go up in smoke.

How in the world is the USA saving money considering all of the above?

Americans need to be employed to buy these cheaper goods.