No motivation

To the editor:

There was never any motivation for the Stupid Committee, oops, Super Committee, to reach any agreement on deficit reduction. They could all just dither and blather knowing they would do nothing that might offend anyone who might vote for them or contribute to their campaigns because of the built-in trigger that would kick in and make cuts automatically and none of them would have to bear the full responsibility.

Perhaps if the trigger had been that THEIR entitlements were on the line, they might have felt a little more urgency to make more effort, except they are mostly all so well insulated, they will never have to worry about things financial, regardless. We provide them with the best of everything, and this is what we get in return.

If raising taxes on the wealthy is a job killer, why aren’t those folks currently creating jobs? Over the past two to three years, as wages have been falling and more Americans are living at the poverty level, the collective worth of Congress has increased about 25 percent.

Dump ’em all. Guess that won’t make any difference as long as corporate can buy the newbies as soon as they arrive in D.C., and the rest have taken a nonsensical pledge that defies logic.