Tired argument

To the editor:

In last Saturday’s column, the Journal-World editor went on the well-worn Republican rant against Obama, warning of the dire consequences and catastrophic failures of America should Obama be elected again. His argument contained the old, tired clichés and the right-wing’s standard, vague, obtuse and well-worn arguments blaming the president for all the nation’s economic problems, citing his “dismal record” and personal failure to live up to his “pledges” over the past three years. Granted, Obama hasn’t exactly lived up to his campaign promises as our country has tried to clean up after the eight years of the Bush debacle.

So, what have Republicans contributed to our nation’s welfare during this same period? All one hears is their main goal is to “defeat Obama,” and “just say no,” which has brought America to a standstill, a country divided with both parties acting like petulant, spoiled brats, which is disgusting and repugnant to voters. Republicans want to balance the budget but not raise taxes? How does one balance a checkbook without making deposits?

Apparently there are no longer any reasonable, mature adults left in Congress in either party who understand their job is to represent constituents, not become whores for big corporations and special interests who bribe them with campaign dollars in exchange for votes. Change will never happen unless all American voters make it happen at election time. However, if we don’t bother to vote or don’t care, then we deserve exactly what we get. Just look at Topeka!