DST scam

To the editor:

This last weekend our entire nation of citizens, except those in Arizona, complied with the Washington directive to change all of our clocks for the second time this year. Those who have computers with obsolete operating systems may have had to change those clocks four times already because Congress likes to tinker with time-change dates in this law that now conflict with the older programmed computer clocks. We are told that this daylight saving act is in the name of saving energy.  Baloney!  This act has nothing to do with saving energy. It has to do with the power of a few politicians in Washington requiring the entire population of the United States, except those in Arizona, to all comply by doing something that doesn’t really make sense.

The only savings that I witness every year with this savings act is the saving of one hour per year of wear and tear on the movement bearings in my mechanical pendulum clocks when I stop them for one hour every fall to comply with this idiotic time change.