Out of balance

To the editor:

The laws of nature teach us that there is a delicate balance that must be obeyed in order that all species can prosper and survive. The parasite and the host have a symbiotic relationship whereby they each depend on one another for survival. Once the population of parasites exceeds what the population of hosts can supply, both will die.

The growth and decline of a city are governed by the same laws of nature. Government and taxpayers must remain in proper balance in order that they both survive. An imbalance occurs when governments take more than the taxpayers can provide. Proper balance must be restored or the governments will destroy the taxpayers and neither will survive.

City Hall has breached their fiduciary duties far too long by grading their own tests using fuzzy math to justify favoring city employees and developer elites at the expense of the taxpayer. There is no greater philanthropist than a feel-good politician spending other people’s money for all the wrong reasons.

Current statistics suggest that our city is in a downward spiral due to our high cost of living compared to per capital incomes that are well below the state average. Our city’s taxpayers are on life support, and we have a City Hall whose answer to everything is higher taxes. Wrong answer. Correct answer is to cut spending and taxes.

This old hippie is ready to march on the establishment and force change by launching “Operation Pull Your Heads Out.” Are there any other old hippies ready to march and relive the ’60s?