Workers’ voices

To the editor:

I do not understand how in two years time this country has gone from blaming the financial institutions for destroying our economy to blaming the working man. The attacks on organized labor are being taken up by legislatures as the evil force of our society. The evil force in our society are the people like the Koch brothers who are using their millions to give the worker very little rights. They are bringing the attitudes of the Chinese bureaucrats to America along with their goods.

The American worker must become voiceless in servitude to those who govern them. The new governor of Michigan is trying to repeal laws that gave the worker a more ergonomic workplace. The excuse is that it is a burden to people like the Koch brothers who want maximum profit over decent working conditions.

The last national political wave cried we must take government intrusion away from the American people. And now we have this political movement trying to walk into the working man’s living room telling him he is the problem. The worker must be politically regulated in their ability to speak for the welfare of his family. The United States is not a democracy; under these conditions it is an autocracy of capitalism.

And with the Supreme Court giving the rights to corporations to buy elections, it will very likely become a certainty. The union of wealth is getting what it wants with the workers turning on each other.