American greed

To the editor:

Why is it that the poor people and the middle class in this country always have to pay for the greed of the rich people? Three years ago, a handful of greedy bankers on Wall Street brought down the entire U.S. economy. Millions of good, hard-working Americans, who have played by the rules all their lives have lost their jobs, their homes, their savings, retirement plans and even their health care for what? Why do school teachers in Wisconsin have to pay for these billionaires’ insatiable greed?

This is not right! Why aren’t the greedy Wall Street bankers in prison like Bernie Madoff? Why do they continue to receive their outlandish salaries and bonuses, while the very taxpayers who bailed them out have lost everything?

Now that the greed of these people has brought the entire country down, our new Republican governors are kicking them when they are down. This will not be forgotten! I applaud the Journal-World for bringing to light how the billionaire Koch brothers contributed heavily to the Wisconsin governor’s race and now are in the process of extinguishing the last glimmer of hope and dignity that the school teachers of that state have.

It will not be communism or terrorism that brings this great country down; it will be the insatiable greed of a handful of extremely rich and powerful men who will not rest until they own everything. Will we stand by and allow this to happen? As one person, I feel helpless. Perhaps if we all stand up together, we can do something.