Fast enough

To the editor:

I was dumbfounded to learn of the bill and its passage in the Kansas House, promoted by state Rep. Marvin Kleeb, to raise the speed limit on various multilane roads in Kansas from 70 to 75 mph. Some drivers are already traveling at speeds of 75 to 85 as it is. What can we expect if the limit is increased?

This idea has been around for several years. An increased speed limit will entice more drivers to go through Kansas on their way to western vacation spots. They then could drive faster and have more time to spend their tourist dollars in Colorado while maybe buying a few more sandwiches or renting a few more motel rooms as they speed through Kansas. What a major contribution to the economy this would be!

Information has also been available for many years that increased speed of an automobile leads to decreased fuel efficiency. Mr. Kleeb claims that the savings is only 1 or 3 percent at lower speeds. It appears to me that even this percentage would be prudent to pursue when dealing with a dwindling and increasingly costly resource. Perhaps the Legislature could devote time to more meaningful issues.

Am I viewing the real world or a play by Samuel Beckett?