State damage

To the editor:

This governor is hurting our state.

Mr. Brownback has put like-minded, out-of-state cronies in positions here, some of which are newly created, to make consequential decisions often without due process. Closing many SRS offices in Kansas, especially the one in Lawrence, was one too many lethal drops into his kettle of toxic, service-cutting brew. This was done behind closed doors with what appears to be very little proof of money saved, people hurt, appropriate solutions and with no communication with those affected until it was done.

This is total disrespect for the democratic process and Kansas citizens and disregard for the historical traditions of previous governors (Republican and Democrat) from Alf Landon on, who committed the Kansas tax dollars needed to care for our poor, ill and needy and all the things that make Kansas a community not just a place. To put the record straight, I am willing to pay more taxes to this end.