Shades of gray

To the editor:

The entire idea of a society, in general, is that we do better when we work together rather than fighting each other. It’s why we stopped being wandering tribes and built cities around shared ideas, religions or political ideals. But, since “there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch,” there is a price that you pay for being a member of any society. You agree that you will act to prevent harm to that society, and that you will work to make it better. And in exchange, you get good roads and schools. You get security and safety to start a business or family.

And it used to be, cities gave you a better place to beg for money and food. But years ago, we decided that it would be better if people didn’t have to be on the streets. Our government decided that they would start programs to help people in need. Do they get abused sometimes? Sure. Is it absolutely necessary at others? Most definitely. But to eliminate these programs because of the abuse is a cure worse than the disease.

Not everyone in the world is a filthy freeloader who is after your money. Not everyone is a stingy Scrooge who wants to let everyone starve. Liberal is not a dirty word. Neither is conservative. The world is shades of gray. Practical solutions require compromise, which means we have to work together. And that means everyone feels the pinch, from the prince to the pauper.