All figured out

To the editor:

The story you carried in the Jan. 8 Lawrence Journal World, “Arizona shooting targets U.S. congresswoman, kills 6” showcased better than ever the unhinged far-left contingent that swarms your online discussion forum. Immediately, Sarah Palin, the tea party and Fox News had all but pulled the trigger in this tragic shooting. Pursuant to their agenda, they had all the facts it seems: what this shooter was all about, his political leanings, apparently a Sarah Palin fan, a Fox News viewer and a tea party member or follower.

The far-left had it all figured out within hours — like magic. I saw the far-left go berserk over George W. Bush for several years on the forum, but this is the best of the best for these loons who dominate your forum. But, if you’re a vocal conservative, like I obviously am, post on the forum at your own peril, for the moderators seem to have a different set of standards for your comments that you post than they have for the left. By the way, I post with my real name, unlike the cowardly left, who almost entirely post anonymously.