
To the editor:

Another day, another xenophobic Journal-World column by Cal Thomas (Feb. 11).

Here are the things Cal says he fears: Islamic extremists (undefined), loss of nationhood and national identity, floods of immigrants, whole areas of town occupied by immigrants and their descendants, illegal immigrants.

Here are the approaches Cal says he dislikes: liberalism, multiculturalism (undefined), legislation against discrimination, national refusal to integrate immigrants into our culture (no examples given).

Here are the general objectives Cal supports: “require … immigrants to become part of the melting pot,’ get tougher on Islamic extremists.

Here are Cal’s specifics on how to do that: none.

I have a hard time understanding how to integrate immigrants by discriminating against them. The only other concrete thing I get from the column is an urge to punish immigrants.

The best definition of demagoguery I have seen is one-sided thinking combined with scapegoating. Cal’s style of demagoguery works because he uses lots of scary undefined words one can project one’s fears onto, avoiding any specifics that could be rebutted.