Hard truth

To the editor:

My heartfelt thanks to the Lawrence Journal-World for giving its readers a chance to comment about local, state and national events. I must include kudos to those who take the time to write.  Many viewpoints I agree with, a few I don’t, but that does not detract from the fact that they are well-written, without the rancor that so often permeates letters to the editor columns. It’s admirable that the good people of Douglas County exhibit civility. However, there comes a time when we should demand the truth.

A few days ago, this paper ran an article titled, “Kansas congressional delegation dismayed over panel’s failure on deal.” The gang of four comprised of Moran, Roberts, Yoder, and Jenkins were dismayed? Really? It would have been more honest if the headline read, “Grover Norquist’s congressional delegation …”  I remember Rep. Jenkins proudly announcing that she signed his no tax pledge.

Whom do these delegates represent anyway? Certainly not the working class. They have blocked every effort to put people to work, including plans to put thousands of unemployed construction workers on projects which would upgrade our aging infrastructure.

The kindest thing I can say about “our delegates” is that they are accomplished at skewing facts to accommodate those at the top of the economic hierarchy. It’s time for the rest of us to face the hard truth. The people we hired to represent us have no respect or loyalty to their bosses. To them, we appear as dumb as we vote. Stay asleep on election day, folks. These politicians are counting on it.