History lessons

To the editor:

Cicero, an old Roman, once said, “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child.” A cynical man (ahem), would ponder upon whether the Republicans have taken Cicero to heart and learned their historical lessons well.

The first time the Republicans caused a nationwide economic collapse (Great Depression), it ushered in a 30-year-plus era of mostly Democratic Party rule, creating sweeping, positive economic security, benefiting the majority of Americans and created a thriving middle class, the envy of the world.

So what were Republicans to do after they created their second nationwide economic collapse? Mustn’t repeat the “mistakes” of the past, letting President Roosevelt save the country and usher in decades of Democratic rule, powered by a grateful electorate.

A cynical man might think that Republicans (remembering and learning from their history) have chosen to sabotage the present economic recovery at every turn, filibustering every Senate economic legislative proposal, creating no House economic legislation (besides cutting taxes, always, always, ALWAYS cutting taxes for millionaires/billionaires), creating fake crises like the recent debt ceiling circus, and repeatedly, constantly, endlessly shouting the lie that Obama caused this economic mess.

While Republicans might be earning an “A” in history, forget not: 1) Democrats could figure out a way to stab themselves in the rear-end with a wet-noodle; 2) Most Americans seem too lazy to get off their rear-end and find the truth. God help our republic.