Library resource

To the editor:

I am saddened that support for the Lawrence Public Library’s proposed expansion is not unanimous in this city. We have an opportunity before us to invest literally pennies per day to immensely improve an invaluable community resource utilized by at least 70 percent of Lawrence citizens.

How often do we have a chance to simultaneously benefit so many groups of people with such a small contribution? Our library serves infants and the elderly, GED candidates and Ph.D. graduates, the unemployed and the employers, and everyone in between. This project will create jobs, put money into our local economy and add value to our community.

I have two children and I certainly hope the day does not eventually arrive that I have to explain to them that our library is decrepit because the majority of voters did not choose to preserve and protect an unquestionably important resource for their generation. There is no better time to invest in Lawrence than now, and there is no excuse for a respectable university community to stand by while its nearly 40-year-old library buckles under the weight of its own success.

Vote “yes” for the library!

Sarah Farthing,
