U.N. lauded

To the editor:

United Nations Day was Oct. 24, but United Nations Week lasts through Oct. 30. The blue and white U.N. flag showing the seven continents should be flown in all of the almost 200 member nations. However, it may not be flown below the flag of any member nation.

The most important purpose of the United Nations is to preserve world peace. On the wall of the U.N. building in New York is printed, “They shall beat their swords in to plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war any more” (Isaiah 2:4).

New York City is the location of the United Nations, where the Security Council and the General Assembly meet and the secretary general and the many specialized agencies have their headquarters. In a sense, New York City is the capital of the world. However, the International Court of Justice meets in The Hague, Netherlands.

Social studies teachers should teach their students about the United Nations. Schools and the general public should celebrate United Nations Day and Week.

John A. Bond,
