More words

To the editor:

Regarding Mr. Speakman’s letter of Oct. 13, I agree words matter. So let’s discuss the words “human life.” One scientific textbook after the other agrees that human life begins at the moment of conception. A new and unique individual is created with their own unique DNA. At 45 days after conception the child has every internal organ of the adult at various stages of development. There is a heartbeat that can be heard and brain waves that can be measured.

Let’s talk about the word “abortion.” This can be both noun and verb. The verb describes the action, right? Do you know how an abortion is performed? Did you know that the abortionist or their assistant is required to reassemble the body parts to make sure they were all removed? If you would like to discuss the noun, well that is the artificial cessation of a pregnancy. What would you call it when a human life is taken against their will? I think that qualifies as murder, don’t you?

“Just because you have the right to do something, does not make it the right thing to do.” — G.K. Chesterton

Scott Burkhart,
