Other lies

To the editor:

Mr. Skepnek in his Nov. 23 letter has the audacity to lecture those of us on the right that can read (Joy Behar reference) about lying. Let’s look at some lies over the last 24 months. Reduce unemployment, that’s one. Drain the swamp, that’s two. Anyone making less than $250K will not see their taxes increased one cent, that’s three. The penalty for not obtaining health insurance will be a “penalty” not a “tax” (even though we’re going to use the IRS to enforce it), that’s four. Shovel ready jobs, my favorite, five. Shall we continue?

There isn’t much of the media I trust but there are journalists out there that are better than others. This sorry excuse for a president was never vetted by the big three network media; he was anointed. I don’t care a whit whether the trip to Asia cost 5 cents or 5 dollars. Return on investment yielded nothing! He’s an intellectual with no common sense or real world experience who has surrounded himself with intellectuals that have no common sense or real world experience. He has reduced our country to a mere shadow of itself and is perfectly all right with that.

Everybody ask yourself this question: If I owned a business, would I turn it over to Barack Obama to manage? See if you can lie to yourself about that one.

Scott Burkhart,
