American apathy

To the editor:

How are we actually functioning as a country? It seems the people who get elected scream the loudest or throw slime the hardest. We get “McNews” from 24-7 cable fast-food joints, served by snake-oil salesmen who say they’re not biased with a straight face, and millions of us actually believe them.

We demand that our streets get fixed but don’t want to pay for it. We feel it’s more important to watch someone get voted off the island than to get off the couch and actually cast a vote.

People say they want Washington to change, yet we keep sending people there who’ve openly said they will NOT cross party lines and will not compromise. And this is a good thing? We’ve elected xenophobes, homophobes and technophobes. We’ve elected the grammatically challenged, the extreme right and left, and people who obviously failed American History 101.

The only thing louder and scarier than a tea party activist rally is the whining from the apathetic, droning masses who say America’s broken, but press them on it, and they’ll mutter that no, in fact, they didn’t vote “because my vote doesn’t make a difference.”

We might as well change it from “We the People” to “Me, the People” because it’s obvious that it’s no longer about “We” anymore; it’s all about “Me,” and the most powerful “Me’s” are now in office. We reap what we sow and we’ve got no one to blame but ourselves for the harvest to come.

Steve Craven
