Pundit’s role

To the editor:

What role do pundits play in provoking war? (“Diplomatic defiance marks U.S. retreat,” Journal-World, May 21). Reading Mr. Krauthammer’s recent screed at what he perceives as the Obama administration’s policy of weakness and appeasement regarding Iran, two thoughts came to mind.

1) Shouldn’t these paid hacks be held accountable for poor advice in the past? To refresh your memory, Mr. K. was one of the chief cheerleaders for invading Iraq, and we all know how well that little venture has turned out. 2) When was the last time this well-heeled expert examined the nation’s reserves? This country simply can no longer afford to play the global policeman.

Staggering under a crushing debt, bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan, and faced with an ever-crumbling infrastructure, our political leaders in Washington are not so much in retreat as they are merely facing reality. Instead of fulminating at foreign dragons, Mr. Krauthammer ought to spend more time trying to repair his own castle.

Ray Finch,
