We need time

To the editor:

I’m concerned some people have misunderstood Save Our Neighborhood Schools. I can’t speak for everyone, but I know many of us aren’t interested in keeping our children’s schools open at the expense of other children in the district. We do believe our community needs to discuss how we want to educate our children. Moving sixth grade out of elementary schools would significantly change the academic and structural needs of our physical schools. It seems short-sighted to close elementary schools before we discuss what the future educational landscape should look like.

That discussion can’t take place in weeks, during a budget crisis, with three-minute comments at board meetings and forums. We need an engaged communitywide discussion with a task force including business leaders, parents, teachers, elected officials and other concerned citizens. Until that happens, we believe closing elementary schools should be taken off the table for 2010/2011.

We can get through the next year without closing these schools, significant cuts to academic programs, nurses or counselors, and increases in class sizes. We have many suggestions on how to do that and come up with more every day. Our Web site has details. Not everyone will agree to all of them, but many are viable options and should be considered. Board members and administrators are leaders of our children’s education. They need to be creative and strategic in finding solutions that do the least harm to all Lawrence children — especially in a time of crisis.