The ‘little guys’

To the editor:

In response to Ms. Paris’ July 2 letter to the editor, I also don’t agree at times with how our tax money is spent, but I found speaking so disapprovingly of teachers very disrespectful and narrow-minded.

You see, my husband is one of those “teachers” who only works nine months of the year. I invite Ms. Paris to knock on my door any evening of the school year. Nine times out of ten, it will be I that answers the door and not my husband. You will find my husband at his desk grading stacks of papers, planning for the next day and mapping out his lesson plans.

My husband also accepts phone calls from his students at our home when they have a question about school work; parents call when needed. This is after a day of teaching six different periods, arriving early to prepare for his students’ day and giving them the best education possible. Oh, don’t forget staying after school to help students.

He does not send students to the computer to “learn”; he expands their minds, has a good rapport with them, broadens their ways of thinking. So, while the rest of us turn in early, you will find the “teacher” grading, preparing and giving all he has to the job he so loves.

So, please, be angry at the school board if you must, but leave the teachers alone; they are just the “little guys” trying to do their best for our children.

Linda Bush,
