Trial lawyers’ clout

To the editor:

President Obama scolded the Supreme Court for their ruling on corporate donations during his State of the Union address last month when he said, “I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests…” Did Obama forget about the American Trial Lawyers Association? Obama’s hypocrisy and arrogance is stunning to say the least.

Trial lawyers donate more money than any other industry to federal and state campaigns. Guess where 90 percent of these donations go? That would be to the Democratic Party. Four of Sen. Harry Reid’s top donors are trial lawyer firms. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is also heavily indebted to trial lawyers. Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean admitted during a town hall meeting that the main reason Democrats don’t tackle tort reform is because they don’t want to upset the trial lawyers.

A recent big newsmaker was sleazy John Edward’s payoff to his mistress to keep quiet about his illegitimate baby. Guess who forked over the money for that? The late Fred Baron, one of the nation’s highest profile trial attorneys.

Democrats trivialize the Tea Party movement and see them as a fringe element and a nuisance. They don’t want to be questioned. Judging by almost every poll and the recent spate of Democrat congressmen announcing they’re not running for re-election, it appears their arrogance has caught up with them.