Tax accountability

To the editor:

Sustainable, definition: meeting needs for an indefinite period of time without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

It’s time we put “sustainability” into government. It’s sure not there now. For instance:

l Federal spending deficits out of control (an addition of $1.9 trillion in borrowing?).

l Kansas has spent more than it received for four years.

l KU has an enormous backlog of maintenance unfunded.

l Lawrence has basic services running in the red for five years.

l And the school district has more programs and facilities than it can afford.

Before these agencies take on any project, they should prove to us, the taxpayers, that they can not only initiate the project but keep it going for years to come. If the city wants a new rec center or recycling program, show us how you plan to pay for the upkeep and operation after it’s built. Before the state accepts federal largess, it should show the taxpayer how it will continue to support the burden that comes with that gift after the money is gone. Before KU builds a new building, they should show us how they plan to keep it up. And they should all do this within the framework of their existing resources, not with convoluted schemes that depend on “hoped-for revenues” or rob from the future.

The future of this city, county, state, and country depend on us, the taxpayers/voters, demanding this accountability from our elected officials.

Ken Meyer,
