Both sides

To the editor:

In light of Arianne Cordray’s letter on Aug. 10, I would like to thank the Journal-World for publishing Cal Thomas’ piece, if for no other reason than that the gay marriage debate needs to be open to opinions from both sides. Anyone who believes that the subject of gay marriage does not hold serious moral ramifications either way is kidding themselves just as they would if they said the same of the abortion debate.

Mr. Thomas expressed his firm moral beliefs but did so without the extreme name-calling and profane speech others have used before, and we should welcome people to express themselves and their justifications without such loathsome language. Besides, if Cordray wishes to call someone a “bigot,” I could think of better candidates than Mr. Thomas.

Arguments are uncomfortable and tend to be especially so for Americans, but attempting to dismiss a person as bigoted ultimately becomes unhelpful, especially when the individual is not being profane and is simply expressing his opinion and justifications. I respectfully invite Arianne Cordray to rebut Mr. Thomas’ piece with an argument instead of dismissing it as “bigoted, homophobic and misogynistic.” It would certainly move the debate in a positive direction.