More memorials?

To the editor:

Congressman Moore,

Your notice was received. You have successfully introduced, and made law, a bill (HR 634) for a special silver dollar to commemorate the sacrifices disabled veterans have made. This silver dollar will fund the building of a memorial, near the U.S. Capitol, to honor them.

As a Korean War veteran who lost family in World War II, comrades in the Korean War, friends in the Vietnam War, the first President Bush’s war, and have worked to avoid the many wars we have STUPIDLY been involved in during the past 10-plus years, I must tell you that I am one veteran who is sick and tired of the building of memorials.

How about a Peace Memorial, a Peace College, a Cabinet post for a Peace Secretary? How about a memorial to the homeless, to those dying without health care, to those losing their homes because of medical costs, to the unemployed? How about digging in and dealing with incredibly serious issues and doing it NOW?

Veterans who have been disabled do not need a memorial. Every wound, every lost limb, the loss of sight and hearing and brain function and the entire major and minor trauma that veterans, their families and society have suffered are memorial enough.

If you don’t know what the people of this country desperately need right now, give me a call. I’ll gather a few old-timers, 75 or over, who have lived through a monumental amount of insanity, and we will enlighten you.