Big picture

To the editor:

When reading the article about Charlie Perry’s sunspot research (Sept. 7), I have to admit I was completely flabbergasted. If reported correctly, the statement of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s position on solar radiation is ludicrous. The article states their position being that “solar radiation plays a small part in the warming and cooling of the planet.” (emphasis added)

I will allow that humans have not always been wise stewards of Earth’s resources, BUT, to negate the influence of our sun on weather patterns is, in a nutshell, irresponsible. Before the industrial revolution — which, frankly, was not that long ago in Earth’s history — there were extreme weather problems such as the Ice Age, extremely severe droughts and problems that apparently changed the entire Earth’s topography.

The delicate balance of earth and sun allows us to live on this beautiful planet. To our knowledge, we are the only planet with this balance in our solar system. To negate that relationship is naïve and potentially dangerous. That does not mean that carbon emissions are not a problem, but let’s look at the big picture!