Sound good?

To the editor:

Problems with ObamaCare — Senate version.

First, pages 263-264. High need states will have the federal government pay any increase in Medicaid costs that occur under this bill. What states are those? Those with 12 percent unemployment or higher. And who are those states? According to on Sept. 18 they were: Michigan, California, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Oregon. All blue states and one of them home to the dishonorable Harry Reid (D) who is up for election. So, if this passes, Kansans will have to find more money for Medicaid but Harry Reid’s state won’t. Sound good to you?

Second, the tax on Cadillac plans is supposed to start at $21,000 of value. But, if you live in New York, Sen. Schumer (D) has gotten it raised to $24,000 and in Massachusetts, Sen. Kerry (D) has gotten it raised to $25,000 according to Kim Strassel’s Oct. 15 Wall Street Journal article, “States of Personal Privilege.” So Kansans with high-value health insurance will be taxed long before New Yorkers or residents of Massachusetts. Sound good to you?

Third, Sen. Menendez (D) of New Jersey is worried about the tax to be levied on drug companies since New Jersey has so many there. So, he has a special $1 billion tax credit for drug companies in the bill to offset the taxes levied. Sound good to you?

And I could go on. This bill is a disaster!