Women’s issue

To the editor:

It would seem that in the fight against sexual violence, Sen. Sam Brownback is on the side of … sexual violence?

Earlier this month Sen. Al Franken’s amendment to the 2010 Defense Appropriations bill passed. This amendment withheld defense contracts from organizations that in any way attempted to stop employees from taking sexual harassment/assault cases to court. While some Republicans voiced support for the amendment, one who voted nay stood out to me: Sam Brownback.

Yes, the man who wants to be the governor of Kansas is opposed to preventing sexual assault.

I suppose anyone who knows anything about Brownback could tell you that he is a staunch pro-lifer with a commitment to ensuring life for all unborn children. To all those female children that he “saves,” I have a message:

I’m sorry to say that Brownback is only going to be your advocate until you’re born. When you were a fetus, he seemed like your best friend, but now that you’re here, it must feel strange to not have the senator by your side. So what if you get gang-raped by your co-workers and then held captive by your employers like Jamie Leigh Jones in 2005?

Let’s also remember that this isn’t the first time Brownback has voted in an anti-woman manner. He voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Pay Act, the Equal Pay Bill, and an amendment in 1996 that helped further educational equity.

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by Brownback. Why would I assume that he supports a woman’s safety over business interests?