Big government

To the editor:

The health care package coming down the pipe does not address the major issues (problems) of the current health care system. What this legislation will accomplish is a cross section of what is wrong with big government. Premiums will increase, taxes will increase across the board, the deficit will skyrocket out of sight, government expansion will increase along with the mandates that accompany it.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates on the cost of the “Baucus” bill are based on unreasonable projections and so much smoke and mirrors. The first five years are frontloaded with increased taxes and Medicare cuts ($121 billion). Several of the assumptions are out and out ludicrous, like the assumption that taxing “Cadillac” plans will increase revenues by 10-15 percent. Any economist will tell you if you tax something you will get less of it. Another economic principle you might want to consider is the fact that anytime government provides something for one individual it has to take something from another individual.

For an economy currently on life support, this will jerk the plug from the wall.