Tough talk

To the editor:

“[L]ike-minded male wimps around the world, idolize Michael J. Fox instead of John Wayne.”

So Cal Thomas described the Nobel committee that gave its prize to President Obama; liberal wimps he calls them, like the women who host “The View” rather than Jack Bauer. Wimpy “role models,” not tough guys.

Is he talking role model or symbol; they’re not the same thing. That Wayne and Sutherland (the real life Bauer) are/were actors is an easy target. Surely Mr. Thomas understands the difference between life and image, between a script and reality. That others cower while Jack and Wayne stand tall is an illusion; the bullets aren’t real. Are you really a tough guy when the script guarantees you won’t get hurt? Role models, really?

But here’s the problem: Because they aren’t real, Thomas’ role models don’t show real courage, the everyday kind. Everyday people face real bullets. Look for everyday courage in the faces of people who don’t give up. Each of us knows someone who got a raw deal and fought it. Like a famous actor with a crippling disease facing a certain and painful death committing himself to finding a cure. Is Fox really a wimp?

And how about us Kansans? Are we tough guys or wimps? Senators Roberts and Brownback blocked the transfer of Guantanamo prisoners to Fort Leavenworth solely from fear it would cause terrorists to target Kansas. Standing tall for America against the big bad terrorists? Or cowering wimps?