Be alert

To the editor:

I urge Lawrence residents to use caution before opening their doors to a stranger. Some years ago, I was watching the neighborhood kids play when I noticed a young man with an over-the-shoulder satchel walking down the street, knocking on doors. I had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right with the guy, although he looked pleasant. I rounded up the kids and locked the doors.

He eventually got to my house, rang the bell, and giving him the benefit of the doubt, I opened the door slightly and asked to see his permit. Before I knew it, he had one foot in the door frame and became angry, and tried to force himself into the house. I honestly don’t remember how I was able to get his foot back out, but I slammed the door and called the police.

Another neighbor had also alerted the police, who were on the spot in a matter of minutes. I watched from the window as the police arrested him. We later learned that not only did he not have a license but was wanted in another state for murder.

Naturally, kids need to play outside and we can’t protect them from everything. My experience was an extreme case. I suspect that the recession has affected many people who will do whatever they can to earn a living. This is fine as long as it’s legal. At the very least, should someone come to your door, ask to see their license without opening the door first. Then, trust your gut. Lawrence police do an excellent job for us. They would much rather you call them to prevent a crime than have anything happen to you.