Lazy assumptions

To the editor:

Cal Thomas, you’re missing the point.

Based on this statement, most readers have already placed me somewhere left of center on the political spectrum or on the team Americans call the “liberal Democrats.” The liberal Democrats have blue jerseys and their team mascot is a donkey. Fans of the liberal Democrats are godless Yankees, condescending intellectuals, socialists and illegal immigrants who (according to “plan to impose their radical leftist agenda on America.”

Their main opponent is the conservative Republicans, whose color is red and mascot an elephant. According to Cal Thomas in his column “Understanding Glenn Beck,” conservative Republicans are seen by liberal Democrats as “uneducated, God-worshipping, flag-waving, NASCAR-loving, country music-fueled trailer trash”.

Well sports fans, shame on you and shame on the lazy habits of mind that have led you to boil down your opponent to a rash generalization that can be characterized in a sentence or two and summarily dismissed.

Sports entertain us and socialize us. They are the bedrock of our competitive culture grounded in the Protestant work ethic. “No pain, no gain” is the 20th century version of John Calvin’s notion that hard work and worldly success are a sign of personal salvation. But sports only go so far, and teams are not conducive to reasonable, constructive discourse about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Instead of asking, “To which team do you belong?” we should ask:

1. What do you believe?

2. Why do you believe it?

3. What’s your basis for believing it?