Fatal mindset

To the editor:

Major Hasan’s treachery, treason and killing of U.S. soldiers while screaming “Allahu Akbar!” — God is Great! — brings Ms. Haehl’s response (“Revisit reasons,” Nov. 17) that other religions have had their killers, too. She concludes “dangerous people, not Muslims, are the problem.”

What’s been obvious since 9/11 is that not merely dangerous people, but rather dangerous Muslims, are the problem. Ms. Haehl fails to see an enemy where one clearly exists.

These dangerous Muslims kill us, fueled by fervent belief that the non-Muslim world — precisely because it is non-Muslim — is the “House of War.” Our enemies are those Muslims who have learned, in thousands of madrassas and mosques across the world and even within the U.S., that their sacred duty is to destroy the Great Satan.

It’s unfair to blame Muslims who do not share such beliefs for the acts of those who embrace them. But to deny that these tenets are Islamic in origin defies history, reason and the stated beliefs of the perpetrators themselves.

To know an enemy’s motivations is to know him; to refuse to acknowledge those motivations is, in this case, to deny one even has an enemy. Fort Hood proved this mindset is fatal, and in it lies the seeds of our destruction.

Even the Obama administration has forsaken “Islamic terrorism” in favor of “man-caused disaster.” Thus, officially, there is no war let alone one waged against us by Muslim radicals. There are many Islamists, and there will be many more, who do not agree.