Drop Outs, by Nate McFadden

They speak and scream as loud as they can, moving their mouth as no one hears a single word they say. There are so many important opinions out there everyday that are never heard. Each day many people drop out and their voices are almost never heard of again. The United States and their underlying schools each day move closer and closer to longer years and more strict rules. There are many restrictions thrown at the students in school that make things hard while in the mean time they are overloaded with loads of unnecessary work. If the schools would just take a look and work on some of these problems the drop out rate would be due to drop.

One of the first things to look at is the length of the school year. Each new school year continues to stretch larger by a few days at a time. Many years ago the school year used to run from Labor Day to Memorial Day. Now school years run much longer than the past. Maintaining a longer summer allows many students to longer fulfill a summer job and helps many students build up money against the need they later fill during the school year. The past has proved adequate for the length of the school, what provides that it would not be adequate now? Many people cannot provide themselves with the money they need or for other reasons do not fair with the longer school years

Another great issue to take a look at is the amount of work that is set on the students shoulders at times causing great amounts of stress and panic. Each day students are loaded up with great amounts of homework. Aside from the basic work in class most students will end their day with multiple classes they must study or complete homework for. This for a lot of students can prove overwhelming and unbearable. Many students find that to them dropping out provides a bearable and easier solution to the overloaded days of homework. Some find that the results of which schooling gives does not measure up to the work that is thrust upon them while in school. Stress and panic break down even some of the greatest students and find their way to drop the lower students.

Outside the length and work of the school year there also comes the treatment on the student from not just the staff but also the rules of the school. When you take a look at the current rules in the school system you find many that close down student expression and kill any allowances for student relaxation. If you look back into roots of educations schools they were not as strict. Students were allowed greater open lunches for they would go home for a adequate lunch time. The school does not allow expression of students by banning many forms of clothing yet allowing demeaning ways of wearing clothing of which if they correct would help give those students a push in the right direction. Many of the types of clothing that the school takes action on seem very small in comparison to the types of clothing allowed. While walking down a hallway most people can see more of a woman’s body than they see most other places with no action taken to correct that woman. While at the same time if a person were to walk down the hall with a hat or hood teachers would take action to correct that student. Teachers are starting to wrongly take actions and to say words wrongly against students. Many of the students are starting to find things just too difficult from all of this and choose to drop out.

So when you look at it overall there may be many more reasons on why students are dropping out but those are some of the strongest reasons. School just proves to be too tedious. It is just becoming too much with school growing in length, too much work being given, and schools and teachers becoming way too strict on the wrong things. When deciding the actions that the schools take they need to consider the unheard voices of the dropouts and realize how much worse they are making things.