Law on the books

To the editor:

Your recent editorial concerning Jason Wren’s tragic death included the statement “Solutions are elusive, but the nation has to try to attack the alcohol culture on too many college campuses.” Solutions are indeed elusive, but the problem has been long identified, even by the U.S. Congress. Since 1989, a federal statute has required colleges and universities to seriously address underage and excessive use of alcohol on campus.

Compliance with the law is tied to federal funding, including federal subsidized student aid. The statute’s intent requires that colleges and universities work toward an environment which provides “maximum opportunities for students to live in an alcohol-free environment and to engage in stimulating, alcohol-free recreational and leisure activities.”

The agency responsible for enforcement of the statute is the U.S. Department of Education. In the 20 years since enactment, no enforcement of the statute or sanctions has occurred. Granted there are no easy solutions to this problem that harms the health and takes the life of so many of our best and brightest. However, as indicated by the lack of enforcement of the effectively written law, not all tools available have been used to seriously address the prevailing excess of alcohol use on the nation’s campus.

Stephen Guest,
West Hartford, Conn.