Time for change

To the editor:

I would like to respond to Mr. Simons’ Saturday Column where he continues to attack President Obama’s efforts to improve the well-being of America. Simons implies that Obama is trying to turn the United States into a “socialist” nation by “taking over” the banks and car companies and trying to “socialize” health care.

May I remind Simons that it was George W. Bush who first called for taxpayers to bail out big businesses because they were “too large to fail.” May I remind Simons that it was Bush’s totally incompetent administration that handed Obama the biggest financial mess this country has seen since the Great Depression.

I suppose Simons believes that it’s perfectly fine if 46 million of our fellow Americans go without health care. Our neighbors and family members can suffer with catastrophic diseases without health care because they are too poor to pay the enormous hospital and doctor bills? That’s OK with Mr. Simons? I suppose he calls that “compassionate conservatism” like Bush did.

Finally, may I remind Simons that it was his beloved Bush who allowed the largest terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland under his watch. It was Bush who led us into a trillion-dollar war that only benefits the big oil companies. It was a coincidence that Exxon-Mobil posted the highest recorded profits in U.S. history under Bush? Apparently, you didn’t agree with the majority of Americans that thought we needed a big change.