Autism action

To the editor:

How to persuade the Kansas Legislature to pass progressive legislation? I speak of Kate’s Law (Senate Bill 12), which would require insurance companies operating in Kansas to cover autism treatment.

As reported in Sunday’s Journal-World, State Sen. Ruth Teichman, chairperson of the committee considering Kate’s Law, apparently opposes the bill. The stated reasons for her opposition seem insufficient and too beholden to solely business interests. The facts are that more than 1 in 150 kids born in America today will be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and that incidence proportion is growing.

These kids need the medical intervention treatment (starting as early in life as possible) that insurance companies now decline to cover. Recession and business-based arguments against mandating such coverage essentially amount to turning our backs on our most vulnerable kids and their desperate parents. Frankly, that’s shameful. Kansas legislators, please do the right and moral thing and support Kate’s Law.

James Skridulis,