Bailout bonuses

To the editor:

Thank you, President Obama, for requiring limits on CEO compensation for companies that will be receiving U.S. taxpayers’ bailout money. Finally, we have a president who actually represents the hard-working average Americans in this country.

For eight long years, we had a president who blatantly only cared about the wealthiest 10 percent in this nation. Greedy CEOs accepted $18 billion in taxpayer compensation last year under Bush, while millions of their fellow Americans lost their jobs, homes and health care. It is, indeed, very unfortunate that the $18 billion cannot be recovered; it is protected because it was already given to them by Bush.

It is a national disgrace for these CEOs to make billions of dollars on the backs of the hard-working men and women of our great country. Thank you, again, President Obama, for standing up for us regular Joes. Keep up the good work!

Bruce Paster,