Grade inflation

To the editor:

This is about President Obama’s appearance on “Oprah,” during which time he graded his performance as president with a B-plus.

Has President Obama gone mad? We haven’t had a B-plus president since the days of FDR or Harry Truman.

As for Mr. Obama’s goal of achieving an A performance in the near future, the president needs to get real! We haven’t had an A caliber president since the era of Abraham Lincoln.

I must say, President Obama is an improvement over President Bush, but that’s not saying much.

Will the president improve with time? I hope so. In order to become the president that Americans were hoping for, President Obama must return to planet Earth and deal with real issues, i.e., the economy, health care and the war in Afghanistan.

As for an up-to-present-time grade, in my humble opinion, President Obama arguably deserves a C-minus.