Ranting, ratings

To the editor:

Why can’t people resist making something out of nothing to get in the news? Former Gov. Palin claims “death panels” will be created under the health care reform bill (HR3200). She’s referring to one provision in the lengthy bill to make this claim. By the way, HR3200 is exactly 1,018 pages long, and that provision is exactly 327 words long.

Heralds of doom on talk radio, Fox News and in town hall meetings have jumped on her “death panel” bit like a duck on a bug. Suddenly, people are screaming that this bill will somehow create a covert, sinister group of “grim reapers” who’ll pull the plug on Grandma, euthanize the sick and murder her child who has Down syndrome. Sean Hannity rolls out the catch-phrase Obamacide. Fair and balanced? No.

The ex-governor says the media is “making things up,” then she comes out with this whopper. The provision says Medicare would pay doctors for their voluntary counsel with patients to address end-of-life issues such as living wills and hospice care for the terminally ill patient, but says nothing about executioners. I know, because I’m actually reading HR 3200.

Worse yet, she’s been shown exactly what’s in that provision, yet she’s still telling her lie to keep “birthers” and other fanatics ranting and foaming at the mouth.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see a reasonable discourse regarding both points of view on health care reform? It would, but reason doesn’t get ratings. Ranting gets ratings, doesn’t it?