Respect for life

Just when it seems safe to consider new topics, another theocratic screed appears demanding response. Cal Thomas (Journal-World, Aug. 12) is the latest.

One wonders if a columnist who caricatured women as emotionally unstable, blacks as intellectually impaired, or gays as effete and cowardly would enjoy space to trot out their vicious canards and smears. Yet, those who nominate themselves as interpreters of “God” routinely get to paint secular people as immoral, joyless, second-class citizens unworthy of trust or respect, in sermons subtle or gross, with the media’s unthinking assistance.

Every secularist, humanist or materialist I know has deep respect for life in all forms, and especially appreciates the marvelous, unparalleled experience of being human. We, unlike the narrow-minded Thomas, see nothing degrading in the natural story of life and are pleased to think of ourselves as gloriously risen apes, not deficient, fallen angels. Far from hastening ourselves or others off the mortal coil, like suicide bombers or holy warriors, we work to prolong and enrich this, our one improbable, irreplaceable chance at life and love. In fact the pursuit of secular, science-based dreams has done more to uplift, preserve and respect life than all the prayers Thomas and his kind have ever offered or ever could. A little gratitude, please?

It is the cynical theist who disrespects life, insisting that there just has to be “something more” or we would be hopelessly disgruntled and morally adrift. We seculars are not so vain or immature as that, thank goodness.