Details do matter

To the editor:

The Journal-World published a column by Cal Thomas on Aug. 8. The following quote comes from Mr. Thomas’ column:

“The details matter because they are about government deciding who gets treatment when they are sick and who does not, who lives and who dies. Are there any details more important than that? Why would anyone trust government with their health and life when there are so many things government already does poorly and inefficiently?”

I have paraphrased Mr. Thomas’ quote. The italicized words are mine:

“The details matter because they are about highly profitable insurance companies that hold monopolies in many states and that are entrenched in the current health care system. These companies continue to decide who gets treatment when they are sick and who does not, who lives and who dies. Are there any details more important than that? Why would anyone trust highly profitable, monopoly health insurance companies who spend millions of dollars to induce U.S. senators and representatives to block real insurance reform with their health and life when there are so many things that voracious corporations have done and continue to do to harm the American public?