Plan costs

To the editor:

There are a lot of things to talk about in Lawrence. The most recent item that is sure to stir the pot is an idea brought to the City Commission to spend $300,000 on a design for a new rec center in northwest Lawrence recently discussed in the Journal-World and at City Hall.

Whatever your thoughts on rec centers, this does seem a bit over the top just now. With all the shortfalls in city finances which result in a charge for using the kiddie pool in South Park, $300,000 for a set of plans?

Here is one solution. Maybe you can suggest others and send them to the City Commission.

Our suggestions if you have to build a rec center:

1. Go to city file room.

2. Dig out architectural plans for the East Lawrence rec center.

3. Give them to a reputable contractor.

4. Say “Build one of these over in northwest Lawrence.”

We the people can still attempt to influence local government. We still have that right and now might be a good time to use it. Tell the city commissioners you think $300,000 for a set of plans isn’t right. Tell them maybe it is time to rethink and slow down creating a new rec center in west Lawrence no matter how much pressure comes from a lobby group or civic organization.