Crying ‘wolf’

To the editor:

Saturday evening I was awakened from a nap to the sound of tornado sirens. Having had a home that was hit by a tornado, to me, a siren means run as quickly as you can to the nearest shelter, grabbing only what you need and opening a few windows if possible.

Imagine my surprise when I reach my neighbor’s cellar and am listening to the weather radio and learn that a “possible” tornado was expected to reach Lawrence 20 minutes hence.

I realize many people have been frustrated by the warning system in the past during “microbursts” and other severe weather phenomena; however, I believe in this case, the early airing of the sirens can only be described as the boy crying “wolf.” Even I, one who has always “run” because of my past experiences, am less likely to take future sirens seriously, a thought I have heard shared by many. This is not what a warning system is designed to do. I urge the city and county to reconsider their siren airing policy.