Inconvenient law

To the editor:

As a 15-year-old getting ready to get my license, I’ve developed some concerns about the new driving laws that state that teens cannot use their phones while driving for the first six months they have their unrestricted license.

I am fully aware that many teens text and use their phones carelessly while driving, but I feel that eliminating phone use while in the car is a huge inconvenience for us. What about the many teens who have jobs and their boss is trying to get a hold of them or the worried parents who need to reach them? Unfortunately, we can’t stop in the middle of the roads to take those calls.

If you think about how involved students can be in our school activities and with each other you can see that those of us who do drive spend a fair amount of time in the car. Therefore, there’s not always a convenient time for us to take some of those vital calls.

Also, I have to wonder if those distressed parents of the new teen drivers were taken into consideration before this law was passed. I’m sure there are many adults out there who can relate to the feeling of having your child out there driving alone.

I do understand the amount of accidents that occur from reckless teen driving. However, I feel there are other ways to go about making teens better drivers, such as driving schools that are affordable to a majority of our community.