Ironic argument

To the editor:

This letter is in response to Dolph Simons’ editorial, “Obama’s Revolution” (Journal-World, March 28). I find it hilarious how Mr. Simons points out that Obama is using executive privilege to push through his policies as one of his main criticisms in his editorial. For starters, it isn’t true. While Obama’s administration has gone to executive privilege for certain aspects of his agenda, he has also worked with Republicans in trying to reach a consensus. Mr. Simons should also know that, over his eight years in office, President Bush used executive privilege to push through his agendas without taking them to vote more than any president in the history of the United States.

America dealt with eight years of Bush policies of tax cuts for the wealthy, further deregulation of the financial industry and idle threats to take out the men who murdered 3,000 Americans, only to use our military to attack an economically and militarily crippled country who had nothing to do with those murders, all of which helped to swell the national debt to astronomical levels.

Half of the American voting public who did not elect Bush had to accept eight years of his myopic and arrogant administration, and now have to deal with the results of his proven failures. I think you owe Obama more than two months in office before indicting him on charges of running the country into the ground. After all Bush was given eight years to run the country into the ground, and leave us six feet under.