Changing tune

To the editor:

Well, the Republicans have done it again, spoken with a forked tongue. Just recently President Bush told us the fundamentals of our economy were sound. McCain reiterated this message, and then just last week we were told that the government would have to bail out Wall Street to prevent a total collapse of our economy.

Isn’t this the same bunch of Republicans (Phil Graham, John McCain, etc.) that told us that the era of big government was over and that what our economy needed was deregulation? I guess we listened to them and then they decided that it was best to regulate our banking system by putting the fox (corporate fat cats) in charge of the hen house (our money).

Now that the fox is choking on the feathers, we are supposed to bail them out for our own good? The Republicans came up with a slogan for their recent convention: “Drill here, drill now.” I guess they meant drilling the American taxpayer for $1 trillion to bail out their billionaire friends and save them from their own greed. I hope Kansans remember this at the voting booth this November as President Bush, advocate of small government, doubles your national debt to over $11 trillion and creates a socialist state. Remember this as we lay this debt on the doorstep of our children and grandchildren. May they forgive us.

Frank Hays,